Healing Springs Retreat
Finding Peace
What is HSRM?
Retreatant Information
Dr. Rhoades
Healing Springs Retreatant Survey
We would like to thank you for staying at Healing Springs, and also for taking a few moments to fill out this survey. We appreciate any comments you could leave so that we may continually improve our service.
The house was clean and comfortable
Very clean and comfortable
Somewhat clean and comfortable
Not very clean and comfortable
The grounds were inviting and assisted in facilitating a positive retreat experience
Very inviting and assistive
Somewhat inviting and assistive
Not very inviting and assistive
I/we made progress towards the goals that were set forth at the beginning of the stay
I/we made tremendous progress
I/we made some progress
I/we did not make progress
I/we found the retreat experience to be restful and peaceful
It was very restful and peaceful
It was somewhat restful and peaceful
It was not restful and peaceful
Please leave a comment about something we did well, and something we can improve. Thanks!